Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thought for the Week

A friend is
having someone to love

Friendship with God means
I can keep him happy by experiencing fulfillness of life

Getting married means
having someone to Love
this also means that your spouse should become your bestest friend

Happy & Prosperous 2007

Hey All you wonderful people!!!

It has been a really really long long time since I last posted a comment on this very blog and I have been getting lots of calls and emails to restart my criticism.

I must say a big thank you to all of you for making time to read my crap stuff and for always providing me with your comments and criticisms. As you all know my pc at home has crashed and my dad fell ill too. These things do happen as one ages. Do keep my parents in your prayers.

2006 was an okay year with a promotion and now loads of work uptil my neck and slowly going above my head.

2007 started on a fantastic note. Time with family, friends, relatives, neighbours and parties, get togethers, discs,etc etc. A grand start to the year. And as they say, What you do at the start of the year is what you will do througbout the year. I started my year with dancing and singing and I am sure, I will be a professional singer / dancer by the end of the year.

With regard to marriage, duh...Every thing will happen when God (and my dad) feels the time is right..Till then both Dan and I are having a wonderful time chilling out.

What did you start your year with? Do feed in your naughty New year details to me.

Once again, wish you a beautiful year ahead and may the Good Lord shower his bestest blessings on each and every one of you.