Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dan Brown – The Da Vinci Code

Many people had read the book 1st and then watched the movie. I, on the other hand, watched the movie 1st, which I did not understand at all. But now, I have finally read the book and whilst reading, the entire movie was visualised. I felt, I did the right thing.

Dan Brown's book is a work of fiction. The book gets more and more intriguing with each page. I am a very slow reader. I tend to feel sleepy after reading 1-2 pages. But nevertheless I have finally finished reading the book after almost 2 months.

The entire book is based on a one night event from the death of the curator ie Jacques Sauniere in Paris to finding the answer to all the mazes in London. The Grand daughter to the priory – Sofya and the historian Langdon who later on take the help of a knight – Sir Leigh Teabing all together try to solve the puzzles put forth by the Grand Master of the Priory – Jacques Sauniere.

The Heiros Gamos (sacred marriage) ritual is performed by the Priory of Sion every year in Mid March. Its all about the feminine and the amount of respect she truly deserves. Agreed women are still not given the right importance and respect, and I am very sure the women of today will not allow themselves to be part of such rituals either.

Dan Brown also mentions the names of the grand masters from the 11th century onwards and the final grandmaster was Jacques Sauniere. (Was he existent? Never heard of him till I read the book.)

As per my understanding the Da Vinci is so called, as it focuses mostly on the paintings done by Leonardo Da Vinci. The symmetries in his paintings ie The Vitruvian Man, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa to other great works of his. It so seems to me that Dan Brown has discovered some findings over the course of the years and what better way to reveal it than through a novel that stated anti Christ elements. This was the only way to make his novel a best seller.

The lines on page 369-370 read as: “Every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the definition of faith-acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove. Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory, and exaggeration, from the early Egyptians through modern Sunday School. Metaphors are a way to help our minds process the unprocessible. The problems arise when we begin to believe literally in our own metaphors.
Religious allegory has become a part of the fabric of reality. And living in that reality helps millions of people cope and be better people."

When I decided to write a post on da vinci, daniel (not Dan Brown) made a statement saying so you agree with Dan Brown. I said I don't, but I would like to provide my views.

My statement is clear, not Dan Brown not anyone can change our faith. But yes, it is true, all that is in the Bible or in any other religious book may not be the whole truth. It keeps getting changed with there being add ons / deletions due to translations, discoveries, etc. It is our belief / our faith that counts at the end of the day and this is what helps us to grow as better individuals.

With regard to Mary Magdalene being present at the Last Supper, ha ha.. Leonardo da Vinci in Brown's book itself was alive in the 15th Century. Nor Jesus nor Mary were living then. The Last Supper is a drawing of the artist's imagination. Stop staring at the Last Supper in your house. It is not the real Last Supper image. The Last Supper happened in secret. Christ did not have time to pose for an artist before his death.

Faith has been built in us over the years, through our family, the Church, the Sunday School and our community. Any movie that comes out with the idea to change our faith, should be viewed with an open mind. If we are poor in faith, then ANYTHING will influence us.

Just like flowers and leaves will fall during the winter, but new buds will arrive in summer, in the same way many anti Christ elements will come out over the course of the years. We too will fall in life at some point of time, but we will get new life and thus renew our faith once again. Many will target Christianity as we are very strong in our faith, and believe me, we are definitely not in a minority. This is seen from the amount of people that attended the funeral of Pope John Paul II, Lady Diana and Mother Theresa.

As stated in the Da Vinci code, the Church tried to kill the members of the Priory of Sion as it had some secret information which would shake the Christian faith. Also mentioned is the Opus Dei and their work to be more public. Finally the Church was proven innocent. They were not involved in any way.

The secret is finally revealed in the Da Vinci? Is it existent? Has anyone checked its presence? None have, so obviously the book is a fake.

Till then, KEEP THE FAITH!!

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