Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chak de India!

A few weeks back, I watched Chak de. I am not a fan of SRK, however the movie was a wow.

In India and many Muslim dominated countries, women have yet not been accepted by society, in spite of calling ourselves developing countries. Chak de is a film which makes us realise that women too have talent. Loads of talent and are equal to men even in the world of sport.

Have you seen pictures like this one, for any other sport in Indian newspapers?

The above picture proves that cricket though not always played best by our Indian cricket team, is always making the front page, unlike other sports. Women players or for that matter even hockey players who really struggle to prove themselves get a small photograph of theirs only on the sports page.

Thank you for the eye awakening Chak de film.It helped me realise that any sport requires a lot of support. It also explains why some of the Indian hockey team members had wanted to go on a hunger strike, as per the email that had been in circulation some time back.

What is India doing to help the women and other Indian players?

Are we going to support all sports equally after chak de, or will we still support only cricket?

Remember India starts with an I and everything starts with Us. It is upto to Us to encourage all in the world of sports and a woman in all fields of life.

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